RAY2023 - Vecka 14 - 15 min

RAY2023 - Vecka 14 - 15 min

Start time
3-9 April 2023
Type of race
Virtual - Participate anywhere
Participants in race

Useful links

Race description

With RaceONE Activate Yourself #RAY2023 you will always have a race waiting for you. Our goal is to help you with the motivation to activate yourself - especially during those days when the energy is low.

Join us for eight available races every week and every finished race gives you a chance of winning!

We have also added a chance for extra prizes every month. All the finished participations during the past month are in on the raffle.

Disclaimer: The prize is a gift card for a certain article and is only available in certain stores in Sweden.

Good luck!

Some participants in the race

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Robert Ekman
Franks friends
2023-04-03 14:36
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Veronica Dinnetz
Missnöjd MC
2023-04-03 13:57
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Agneta Möller
2023-04-04 11:05